As a licensed psychologist, I try to bring a “listening ear ” to all of my client engagements toward the end of helping individual leaders and executive teams realize their potential for growth, balance, and sustainability.
As an author, consultant, and keynote speaker, my focus is on recognizing the costs of narcissistic leadership to individuals, departments, and teams, as well as the long-term costs to the corporate bottom line. I have developed a clear and concise methodology for helping managers, CEO’s, HR departments, and Corporate Boards recognize the red flags of what has been identified as “toxic narcissism.” Containment, not reward, of the narcissistic leader, is what creates long-term stability for an organization.
In addition, my interest in the integration of one’s psychological and one’s “True North” has offered me opportunities to work with clients, helping them design personal and purposeful mindfulness fostering work/life balance, increased productivity, and well-being.
Executive Coaching
Facilitation of Board Retreats
Board Development
Effective Communication
Conflict Management Strategies
Keynote Speaking
Sexual Harassment
Workplace Harassment
“The colossal misunderstanding of our time is the assumption that insight will work with people who are unmotivated to change. If you want your child, spouse, client, or boss to shape up, stay connected while changing yourself rather than trying to fix them.”
"Life...is full of improvisation and connections. The story goes like this:
In 2007, I met Stephen Gianotti of the Woodland Group, at the Executive Coaching Summit in CA. In 2014, when I visited Boston for workshops, and in 2015, with the introduction from Stephen, I started a monthly coaching session led by Dr. Patricia Gianotti. I am still doing the monthly sessions with Patricia, and she [has] transformed my life.
'(Psychological) Adult', the title of my [recent] exhibition came from the sessions and the thought, [and] was combined with my woodwork in Maine and Seoul. Patricia has been not only my coach but also an artistic inspiration."
—Hoh Kim, Woodworking artist and coach.
Hoh spends two full days a week woodworking while continuing his executive coaching practice three days a week. Hoh had his first solo exhibition, Adult in December of 2023, at Gallery IN HQ in Seoul, Korea, focusing on the motif of woodworking as a form of self-portrait. The title of the exhibition came from nearly 10 years of working with personal coach, Dr. Patricia Gianotti. “Through those years of sessions, I realized I was not a psychological adult in parts of my legally adult life.” Hoh found wood to be the perfect material to explore and express his definition of being a psychological adult.