The Four Pillars of Healthy Grieving
Loss often feels unbearable, and going through the grieving process is one of the most difficult challenges we face in life. I believe, and I have experienced, that part of the grieving process can lead you to discover the gifts of life that experiencing death has to offer.
Coping with a Chaotic World and Overcoming Feelings of Helplessness
A reflection on moving beyond feelings of helplessness in today's chaotic world through acknowledging emotions, redefining personal control, finding connection, and taking small but meaningful actions despite overwhelming global challenges.
Coming Together: Reimagining Holiday Connection
As we approach the end of another year, I find myself reflecting on the profound importance of human bonds and belonging. I've observed remarkable instances of people coming together, supporting one another, and creating spaces where we can be ourselves, share our struggles, and celebrate our joys.
Navigating Holiday Depression with Self-Compassion
The pressure to feel merry and bright can intensify feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Allow yourself to move at your own pace, honoring your needs and feelings while remaining open to moments of grace and light, however small they might be.
Announcement: New Book Collaboration
I am excited to announce that my husband Stephen Gianotti and I, along with our fellow collaborator Dr. Hoh Kim from Seoul, South Korea, have accepted a proposal from Routledge for a new book collaboration.
Embracing Connection in the Season of Change
This time of year often brings a mix of emotions. Excitement for festive gatherings, nostalgia for past celebrations, and perhaps a touch of anxiety about navigating family dynamics. It also offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the importance of communication, positivity, and the enduring power of family bonds.
The More Important Mother-Daughter Talk
How a mother and daughter unravel the long-term effects of bullying in school, the “mean girl” syndrome in particular. These painful memories are often difficult to shake, in part because they happen at such a vulnerable time developmentally.
Depth Therapy as a Social Justice Imperative
As we strive for a more equitable society, it's crucial to examine how traditional therapeutic approaches, such as psychodynamic psychotherapy, can be adapted to better serve diverse populations and address systemic inequalities.
Bridging Divides: Healing America's Wounds Through Therapeutic Understanding
Now more than ever, understanding the healing power of human connection and the transformative potential of therapeutic relationships is crucial.
Embracing Therapeutic Complexity Social Work Podcast with Patricia Gianotti
The Social Work Podcast provides information on all things social work, including direct practice (both clinical and community organizing), research, policy, and education. Today's episode is an interview with Dr. Patricia Gianotti, Academic Director of The Institute for Advanced Psychotherapy at Loyola University Chicago by Jonathan Singer, Ph.D., LCSW.
Meeting the Challenge of Polarization through Restorative Conversations
Discover this skill-building communication exercise where individuals can approach many conflictual situations with conviction and confidence. Drawing from the Restorative Justice Movement, this technique illustrates how to set limits with injustice while simultaneously offering an invitation of compassion in the service of reconciliation and connection.
The Difference Between Healthy Pride and Narcissistic Grandiosity
Most of us are drawn to or fascinated by successful people. It creates a sense of hopefulness and possibility, a belief that success is attainable, even for those who struggle with confidence or the lack of opportunity. So, how do we tell the difference between healthy pride/ambition and grandiose narcissism?
Podcast Featuring Dr. Patricia Gianotti Released on NPR
Announcing a recent podcast featuring Dr. Patricia Gianotti on the Earth and Spirit Podcast: NPR. Patricia Gianotti works with clients around issues related to trauma, shame, and narcissism and is the founder of the Center for Spiritual Integration.
Discovering the Light That Shines Within
The gathering of the family during the holidays has long been a celebrated tradition rooted in both social and emotional factors. Nevertheless, the expectation for family members to reconnect, strengthen, and/or renew bonds is a strong force that often creates internal pressure – feelings of hope and anticipation coupled with anxiety, ambivalence, guilt, and fear of disappointment.
Shyness, Introversion, and Social Anxiety – What’s the Difference?
Shyness, introversion, and social anxiety are terms that have long been confused. While social anxiety is a clinical diagnosis, introversion is actually a personality trait, an aspect of one’s temperament.
Suspending Judgment
It’s little things that come up in casual conversation that often surprise you and catch you off guard. Changing your opinion about someone can make you realize that the assumptions you made may have been too dismissive.
A Secure Connection to Family Helps Us Weather the Storms of Life
During those times in life when disappointment makes us feel helpless and vulnerable, drawing upon early memories of having a safe, secure connection to family helps us weather the storms of life.
The Importance of Understanding Loyalty Contracts
How does someone break free of an internalized system of beliefs, feelings, reactions, and expectations that were created and deeply rooted in early parent-child interactions?
How We Perceive Aging
The PBS program entitled “Sages of Aging,” features 12 experts in the field of aging coming together to discuss the state of aging in America and discuss the state of aging in America and how we perceive aging.
The Idea of Loyalty
Examining the idea of loyalty and framing that understanding through the lens of, “Loyalty Contracts.”